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How it works
Our webhook integration empowers you to build your own integrations that can connect to Vendr to help you streamline your process. Subscribe to events of interest and when that specific action happens in Vendr, trigger actions in your external system. For example, when a user completes a security step in a Vendr workflow sync the custom fields and attachments to your security tool.
Must be a Vendr admin
Install the integration
Go to Admin and select All Integrations
Search for Automation and then select Webhook
Provide a unique name for your webhook. This name will be displayed on the integrations page
Provide the URL for the API endpoint you want Vendr to make a request to
[Optional] provide a string value in the secret to verify the authenticity of the request.
Select Integrate to save the webhook
Select the webhook event(s) you would like to subscribe to.
[Optional] Select a sample event from the Test Payload section to send a test webhook. This is useful for testing the connection between Vendr and your API endpoint or to get a sample JSON payload to use for development.
View API documentation
For details on the webhook payload, schema, and field definitions, view the webhook models documentation.