This article applies to:
Admins, Managers, Approvers, Requesters
Premium Procurement
Estimated time: Less than 5 mins
What are Approvals?
The Approvals page shows you all the steps in your active Requests that are currently waiting on approval.
The Approvals page allows you to:
View all outstanding approvals across all requests
Manage your personal queue of outstanding approvals
Set up and manage a team queue
Where do I find Approvals?
You can find the Approvals in the Procurement section of the left-hand menu.
How do Approvals work?
On the main Approvals page, you'll see three default views of approvals:
My active approvals
My upcoming approvals
All active approvals
You can configure those views by:
Filter which rows appear based on different properties
Create and save new views
Export the table to a .csv file
Create New Views
You can create new views using the "+" button in the top right of the table - either by duplicating an existing view and modifying the duplicate, or by starting from scratch.
Created views can either be Public or Private.
Public views are stored in Vendr and are accessible by everyone at your organization with the appropriate permissions.
Private Views are Stored Locally
Clearing your cache, resetting your browser, or using a different browser will erase your private views.
Public views are unaffected by any of the above circumstances.
Configure Column Headers on Views
You can edit which columns appear in any view by using the (Adjust columns) button in the top right of the table.
Click that button and it will open a window where you can:
Turn on/off columns
Reorder the columns
Click Apply to save changes for that view.
You must edit columns for each view separately.
View Request Details
When you click into an approval in the table, you'll be brought to the request details page so you can perform the approval.
On request page, you can view the relevant step, already highlighted, as well as the rest of the request details.
Click Approve to complete the step to move the request forward. This will activate the next step(s) and notify responsible parties.
If an approver clicks Decline, the step and entire request will change to "Declined". At this point the workflow will end and cannot be restarted. The user will warned that this cannot be undone before the confirm.
Important Note:
If a request is declined accidentally or in error, the request submission and all previous approvals will have to be re-done.
To learn more, see the full View Request Details section of the Requests help article.
Changing Approvers
If you are an admin, you can change the approver on an active request.
Click on the step you wish to edit.
Click Edit next to the step assignee
Type or search for the name of the replacement assignee or team
Click Save
This change will be saved for the current request only. If you need to change an approver for all future requests, you will need to modify the template.
Slack Notifications for Declined Approvals
If you are integrated with Slack and an approval is declined, a notification will be sent to the configured Slack channel. There is no email version of this notification.
See these help articles more information about: