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Sage Intacct Integration Setup
Patrick Payne avatar
Written by Patrick Payne
Updated over 4 months ago

This article applies to:


Premium Products

Estimated time: Less than 5 mins

About This Article

This article covers how to connect your Sage Intacct ERP to Vendr.

Why Should You Connect?

Our newly updated Sage Intacct integration gives you the ability to bring your financial data into Vendr, offering you a comprehensive picture of your organization’s SaaS spend. This data will power our all new Spend Reports so you have a crystal clear view of not only how much you have spend on software, but what you can expect to pay for the duration of a contract.


Integrating Intacct's accounting data into Vendr will require an Intacct administrator capable of creating new Roles, Integrations, and Access Tokens.

Ideally, this same person is a user inside Vendr (even if temporarily) in order to input the secret keys they’ll create during this process. Afterwards, they can remain or be removed from Vendr.

Alternatively, they can share the secret keys they create with a Vendr user, however, great care should be taken to ensure the keys are fully encrypted in transit, and deleted from any disk(s) afterwards.

NOTE: We do not pre-validate your secret key information when entered into Vendr.

If it is entered incorrectly, we won’t know until later, so please double check the data you collect & ultimately enter into Vendr.

Step 1: Make sure Web Services is enabled

  1. From the main dropdown navigate to Company -> Subscriptions

  2. Scroll down to Web Services and make sure it is checked.​​

Step 2: Create a Vendr API Role

  1. From the main dropdown navigate to Company -> Admin tab

  2. Click the + icon next to Roles ​​​

  3. ​In the name field enter "Vendr API" ​​​

​Next you will need to add the correct permissions for:

  • Accounts payable

  • Company

  • General Ledger

  • Cash Mangement

  • Click "View Subscriptions" subscriptions then check “Accounts Payable” and click “permissions”

  • In the permissions screen click Read Only

  • In addition to the default Read Only permissions, select List and View for Payment Requests

  • Click Save (note: toggling between "None", "Read Only", "All" will reset any additional changes to the permission​​

  • Next add the remaining permission as seen in the images below.

Step 3: Create a Web Services User

We recommend creating a Web Services User so that you will be able to ensure that the correct permissions are enabled.

A non-web service user might also change passwords unexpectedly or have too many or too few permissions which might expose more data/permissions than intended or disable the integration.

  1. Navigate to the Company tab and click the + iconvnext to Web Services users​​

  2. Fill in the following:

    • User ID: “Vendr”

    • First Name / Last Name: “Vendr”

    • Email address: your email where you can receive the Web Service User’s sensitive credentials

    • User type: "Business"

    • Admin privileges: “Partial”

    • Status: "Active" ​​​

​Under the Roles information tab find the Vendr API role created earlier, select it and click Save

  • You should have received an email with:

    • Sage Intacct Company ID: MyCompany

    • User ID: Vendr

    • Password: **********

We will use these three pieces of data to integrate with Vendr.

Also, it is a good idea at this time to return to the Web Service User created earlier and change the password for security purposes.

Step 4: Web Services Authorization

Next you'll need to authorize Vendr to access your Intacct account via Web Services.

  • From the Main Menu, click Company and under the Setup tab click Company​​

  • Click on the Security tab, then click on the Edit button the upper right part of the screen.​​

  • Next scroll down to Web Services Authorizations and enter "BlissfullyMPP" as the Sender ID and "Blissfully SaaS Management" as the description. Finally click Save. ​​​


Please ensure that the Sender ID (BlissfullyMPP) and Description (Blissfully SaaS Management) are spelled exactly as noted as the integration will not work otherwise!

Step 5: Configure Vendr

Now, log into Vendr and navigate to the Sage Intacct Integrations page.

  1. Click the Connect button, and copy over the values from your email.​​​

  2. ​Click Save

Vendr will begin incorporating your Intacct data into your account. It may take up to 24 hours for the data to be visible.

As always, if you need any assistance, please let our Customer Success team know, and we'd be glad to help!

Important Note: When you hit Save the sensitive information will not be visible inside Vendr ever again.

After Installation

Part 1: Verify and Adjust Supplier Mapping

Once the integration is connected, you will be routed to a page that displays the list of Suppliers that Vendr has detected. Suppliers that match our internal catalog will displayed as a match automatically. We suggest verifying a few key suppliers at this point to ensure accuracy in mapping.

Add or remove mapped suppliers matches

  1. Use the search bar to find a specific supplier

  2. Click the three dots on the right side of the supplier row

  3. To add a new match, click Assign to Supplier and search for the supplier you’d like to map

  4. To remove a supplier click Ignore Vendor

What happens if a supplier remains unprocessed? This means in your Vendr instance spend reporting will not be available for that specific supplier and it will not be included in any rollup reports. You can go back at any point in time and assign a Vendor to a supplier in Vendr.

Part 2: Exclude GL Accounts from Spend Reports

After mapping suppliers, you will be routed to a page that displays your GL of Accounts. By default, all accounts will be included in your spending reports. We suggest excluding accounts that might contain sensitive data such as payroll.

Exclude accounts from spend

  1. Use the search bar to find specific accounts

  2. Click the checkbox next to the account you would like to exclude

  3. To add an account back simply hit (x) under Excluded accounts

Complete Vendr Configuration

Once you are satisfied with your mapping click Sync Suppliers.

Vendr will only fetch transaction data for Suppliers you select. Wait until synchronizing is complete. This can take several hours depending on the amount of data we’re ingesting.

What's Next?

After the integration has synced completely, visit our Spend Reports page which will now reflect your data.

Mapping a Vendor from a Supplier Page

After you have completed your integration you will be able to retroactively map suppliers to populate the supplier spend report.

An unmapped or unprocessed Supplier will look like the following:

To assign the supplier:

  1. Click “map supplier”

  2. From there you will be presented with the option to search Vendor from your ERP

  3. Select the Vendor you wish to assign it to. Hit “Save”

  4. It will take several moments to populate


If there is a supplier you are trying to map that isn't in our catalog, you can add a custom supplier from the Suppliers page and then return here to map it.


  1. Head to the in your account.My Integrations page

  2. Click "Manage" for the integration you wish to remove.

  3. Click the "Remove Integration" button in the top right of the integration details page.

If you'd like to purge all data previously imported, we're happy to help, just ​contact Support.

Security / Privacy

This integration is read-only and does not have permission to affect your organization.

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