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Editing a Contract
Patrick Payne avatar
Written by Patrick Payne
Updated over a week ago

This article applies to:

Admins, Managers, and Contract Owners

Premium Procurement, Free Platform

About This Article

This article covers the process of editing a contract that has is already in your Vendr database.

Why would I edit an active Contract?

There area several reasons you may need to edit an active contract.

  1. A data point in the contract is inaccurate

  2. Mid term expansion, upgrade, add-on, extension, or any other term change

  3. The contract was created before the actual terms were finalized

  4. It was a demo or free trial that turned into a signed agreement

How to Edit a Contract

  1. Click the relevant Edit button on the right side of whichever table you are looking to edit:

    • Purchase information

      • These are the primary contract data points, such as contract value, start and end dates, terms, etc.

    • Line items

      • This section is where you add itemized pricing related to the contract.

    • Related contracts

      • If the previous, or upcoming contracts are not already linked, you can add them here.

    • Contract owners

      • Whichever individual(s) on your team are responsible for the managment of this contract should be added here.

  2. After making all needed changes, click the purple Save contract button on the bottom right corner of the page

How to Edit Contract Documents

You can edit the details of your contract document, download it, or remove the attached document by clicking the ellipsis icon to the right of the attached document.

  1. Click the Edit button

  2. Edit the desired fields or click the Signed document toggle to expose fields related to the signatures

  3. Click Save changes

Adding additional documents to a Contract

By default, our system only allows one document per contract. You may need to add additional documents especially if there is a change in terms. You can create a custom property and use the Upload Document field type to allow you to get around this restriction.

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